Are you ready to build a sustainable future with economic justice for the people?

We are the Inland Empire Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America

We cover both Riverside and San Bernardino counties.

Members of Inland Empire DSA (IE DSA) strive for collective liberation and economic participation through shared control of the means and resources of production. We are focused on building a base of mass power through electoral activism, political education, awareness-raising, direct action, and mutual aid.

Working Groups you can join:


The Ecosocialists Working Group mission is to ensure the transition to a safe and green future is based on sound ecological principles, preserving the viability of the natural and human environments for future generations and other forms of life, bearing in mind the historical and present inequities imposed by prior forms of society, and the working group hosts a committee pursuing public ownership and control of the Inland Empire's energy infrastructure. This working group seeks to help build local power for climate & environmental justice; advance an ecosocialist perspective in environmental justice movements, the DSA & greater left; promote understanding of climate science as well as the intersections of capitalism, imperialism, systemic oppression & climate crisis; prioritize labor solidarity and class struggle as workers; and build a socialist movement that reflects the needs of the people and limits of our planet.


The objective of the Labor Working Group is to support to workers in the Inland Empire region. Our primary goal is on organizing workers across various industries, with a special emphasis on the essential logistics industry, in addition to providing support and guidance to workers who want to organize their workplaces. Our aim is to establish a strong alliance between DSA and labor unions in our community, fostering solidarity and collaboration. Through our efforts, we strive to create a more equitable and just working environment for all, which will build working-class power and help create the conditions for meaningful class struggle.

Political Education

IEDSA's Political Education Committee is responsible for the the educational development of Socialists in our chapter. To that end, we host monthly events, including Book Clubs, Socialist Night School Courses, discussions on current events, and Political Education Events at our General Meetings. This is a great place to get plugged in to the chapter, deepen your understanding of Socialist Principles, learn how to communicate with comrades more effectively, and, most importantly, learn how to turn our theory into praxis!

Philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it. - Karl Marx

Red Rabbits

The Red Rabbits Working Group focuses on the safety of our chapter's members and coalition partners. With an emphasis on Digital Information Security, Meeting Security, Protest Security and Medic Training the group works to seek out and coordinate security and safety training opportunities for chapter members to utilize what we learn in training to keep each other safe at DSA and coalition partner events, including meetings, protests, demonstrations, and other related chapter actions. The Working Group will serve as liaisons to the DSA national Red Rabbits group to coordinate security efforts.

Socialist Feminists

The IEDSA Socialist Feminist working group consists of people of varying identities coming together for the downfall of patriarchy, which systematically oppresses people of all kinds and is instrumental in upholding capitalism by dividing the working class.

We recognize that in turn, capitalism is instrumental in upholding patriarchy, that the two forces are inseparable, and that the fight against both are connected and essential in liberating all working people.

We acknowledge that women and femmes face undue hardship and discrimination at the hands of sexism and misogyny which is rampant in our culture and foundational to patriarchal capitalism. Capitalism's reliance on, and perpetuation of, patriarchy permeates all social relations. We affirm that socialist political organizing and activism, including DSA on a national level and local level, are not immune to these harmful forces, and we are dedicated to combating patriarchal tendencies within our organization.

We formed out of the need to make our community a safe place for women and femmes and the desire to fight for a socialism that is both feminist and intersectional. Focuses of the SocFem Working Group include feminist literature and feminist theory, mutual aid, anticapitalist exchange, and the safeguarding of reproductive rights. In addition, we embrace and celebrate women and femmes, recognizing joy and pleasure as birthrights too often stripped by patriarchal capitalism. Our dedication to living in joyful revolution is practice for the socialist world we will win.


UC Riverside's Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter. Student led, organized, and empowered.


Contact Us

If you want to reach out to our chapter please fill out our contact form.

 2025 —