PolEd Hosts Marx Reading Group

Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Exploring the foundations of social and economic theory, the Political Education Working Group (PEWG) began the Marx Reading Group which is an intellectually stimulating and engaging forum dedicated to delving into the profound works of Karl Marx and exploring the foundations of social and economic theory. This inclusive group brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds, ranging from students and scholars to curious individuals interested in gaining a deeper understanding of Marx's ideas and their relevance in today's world.

Over the course of several weeks or months, the reading group will embark on a captivating journey through Marx's influential texts, such as "The Communist Manifesto," "Capital," and "The German Ideology." Each session is meticulously organized, focusing on close reading, analysis, and lively discussions led by members of the Political Education Working Group who are experienced facilitators well-versed in Marxian theory.

The reading group provides participants with an opportunity to explore Marx's concepts, including historical materialism, class struggle, alienation, surplus value, and the critique of capitalism. Through collaborative exploration, participants gain insights into the socio-political implications of Marx's ideas and engage in thought-provoking debates on their applicability to contemporary issues.

The group's sessions are designed to foster critical thinking and intellectual growth. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and offer alternative perspectives, creating a dynamic and inclusive learning environment. Supplementary materials, such as scholarly articles, documentaries, and related literature, are often incorporated to provide additional context and enrich the discussions.

By immersing themselves in Marx's works, participants deepen their understanding of the historical context in which Marx wrote, as well as the impact his ideas have had on subsequent political and social movements. They gain a comprehensive grasp of the complexities of Marxian theory, empowering them to engage with broader conversations on social justice, economic systems, and the possibilities of societal transformation.

Ultimately, the Marx Reading Group serves as a platform for intellectual growth, critical inquiry, and fostering a deeper appreciation for the writings of Karl Marx. It offers a supportive and intellectually stimulating space for individuals to come together, analyze, and discuss the ideas that have shaped and continue to shape our understanding of society, economics, and power dynamics.

 2024 —